A Handful of Shadows

The shadows of the world of Elanthia team with life. Within these shadows you'll find scoundrels, thugs, and a host of others, either steeped in evil or perhaps starving paladins down on their luck doing what they can to survive. One of the greatest joys in belonging to this growing mass of night is the freedom. You can play your thief as a hunter who perhaps only steals when he/she has to, an old fashoined, honorable rogue who simply does it for the thrill, or perhaps a klepto who simply can't resist. Later as you grow within your guild you have the chance to disguise your guild and to "pretend" to join another guild. The possibilities of pretending to be a trader wandering amongst them is endless, or perhaps a paladin with a secret running about the guild of honor. As the world of Elanthia is one of role playing, no other guild gives you as many possibilities as the guild of thieves. As such, a small guide has been assembled below to help those interested in getting their feet wet in the muck and mud of the shadows.

It goes without saying that the secrets of the guild will not be revealed here, since that is one of the highlights of the underguild. Many abilities are given only to thieves, and while they may not cast spells they get their share of nifty tricks and abilities. They are better lockpickers and leather wearers, and are able to backstab and do a myrid host of other things that those of other guilds only dream about.

After joining the guild your task is basically to get all your skills started and learn, slay a few critters, and get to know your guild brothers and sisters. When choosing what type of armor, weapons, and other items you should keep in mind how you are going to live. If you want to have nimble fingers work on your stealing skills, as well as your agility and reflex. If you wish to be a great warrior who only steals when needed work on your combat skills. As for weapons, at the begining you are somewhat limited by your coins, most use leather armor and a medium edged weapon, with perhaps a crossbow for those long range fights. Afterall, you can always take up another type after you have the coin.

One good thing for someone young is to hang out in the guild a lot and work on your perception. Asking questions is always good, but don't overdue it and annoy others ( they can get pretty grouchy after a bad day of pickpocketing ). Remember when you are stealing, start out by asking others in the guild if you can practice on them ( upstairs is usually a free-for-all ), then try your hand at the minstrel and begger running about town. After you start on trying your fingers on other players, remember to look at your target before picking if you can, a fluffy person usually isn't a good try for the young. For those who try to nab a nifty item while it's owner is being revived from the dead, remember: Graverobbers live extremely exciting and extremely short lives.

A little about the stats and skills of the job. Stealing is helped by your stealing and perception skill, as well as your agility and reflex. ( Stopping from getting picked yourself involves your perception and stealing skill. ) Hiding and Stalking takes into account your hiding skill, armor, wounds, and other things. Backstabing involves your armor, hiding, and weapon and backstab skill. Appraisal comes in handy after you earn a certain skill involving your targets. Disarming/Lockpicking involves your agility and reflex as well as your disarm and picking skills.

A list of commands every thief needs to know STEAL (person) = Enables you attempt to make a sneaky grab at the goodies in the person's pockets. APPRAISE (item) = Let's you try to make a guess at the value of an item. STALK (person) = Gives you a chance to stealthily creep along behind someone as they wander about. HIDE = Let's you try to conceal yourself in the surroundings. BACKSTAB (creature) = Makes you try a sneaky attack from the shadows at your target. SEARCH = An attempt to find hidden people and things in the room. SNEAK (direction) = Let's you move about while hidden. Someplaces you cannot sneak into or past though, so watch out.

The best thing to do when young is work on your skills the guild leader says you need to learn and work on gathering coins and outfitting yourself better. Many of the older thieves in the guild will usually help you out if you need a few coins, but frown upon those that simply beg for easy coins. Join the shadows and explore a new world in the realms. A world of shiny kronars and hiden passages, a world of secret skills and hidden rooms.